Monday, October 24, 2011

So about this blogging thing...

So about this blogging every week thing... yeah...  I do have to apologize for the never ending cliff hanger of the first day of school!  I did get to school and the first day came and went.  It was a bit of a shock, to be honest.  I think I what I learned the most on the first day of school is that every teacher teaches differently.  I was able to think of things I want to do in my own classroom on the first day of school.

I think that is what is really nice about this internship, I am seeing the ins and outs of a classroom that isn't perfect, because no classroom is!  Now that may sound like something bad, but I really think it actually is best for my learning.  I am able to see problems being addressed that can be avoided, if certain things are done differently before hand.  This brings a lot of things to my attention that I didn't think were important.  Now let me assure you, my classroomis great, not even close to as bad as some classroom across our school system, and especially across out education system.  But as they say in my favorite movie of all time Meet the Robinsons (no, but really this is actually my favorite movie ever made) "From failure you learn, from success not so much!" This is so true!  Seeing things that work and don't work in an actual classroom gives me even more ideas of what might work in my classroom.

Well that's about it for now!  I will update more often I promise!
Be sure to check back for little gems in the Quote O' Day page, those seem to be updated more regularly!

Be the Change!

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