Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Third graders on making decisions

I asked the students at the end of my lesson to write what they learned about making decisions, here is what a few of my wise students had to offer...

"The thing I leaned about decisions is it is sometimes hard to make.  I learned that decisions are opinioins.  I learned sometimes you have to fight to make a decision.  I learned it can be hard, fusstrating and furios.  I learned you cant get what you want."

"When somewon agrees with something but you don't so you go with the other one."

"You can make a decision by using your brain."

"Some people might have different opinons and uich ever one you think is the best you chose."

"That you can be fair and do rock paper siscter shoot."

"I know that making decisions is a hard thing to do because like this you want to give a toy to your brother but you really want it."

"Pick the better thing or better choice that you want."

Ahh the wise words of an 8 year-old!

Be the Change!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Women are stupid."

When asked to write a sentence using the plural noun "Women" one of my charming 3rd graders wrote the sentence, "Women are stupid."  Ahhh the joys of teaching 3rd grade!

All jokes aside though, what I love so much about 3rd graders is that they start to form their own opinions, some opinions better than others, but opinions none the less!  I hear little voices talking about what they like and don't like, asking big questions, offering advice, forming unique identities, the list could go on and on.  I feel so privileged to even be a small part of these students' lives!

Be the change!